SSRI Workshops

Spring 2025 Workshops

REGISTRATION  for all workshops

Integrating AI in Survey Research
Friday, January 10th, 12-2pm
Instructor: Max Allamong
Materials from presentation

This workshop will provide an overview of how to integrate tools of artificial intelligence into your survey research workflow. We will first explore how to set up and use AI tools, specifically ChatGPT. Then, we explore how these tools can serve as research assistants at the design, implementation, and analysis stages of your survey project. Throughout the course we consider potential pitfalls to using AI for survey design tasks and discuss how such issues may be avoided.

Community-Engaged and Community-Partnered Research
Friday, January 24th, 9:00am-10:30am
Instructor: Jessica Sperling

Engaging and partnering with community members and entities in research, sometimes in the form of research practice partnership, can be a powerful mechanism for ensuring research is appropriately situated within the context and utilized for social change. These concepts and processes are highly complex, and often quite challenging, both in theory and in practice. This session will introduce the meaning of “community-engaged research” and related terms, explore their relevance for both researchers and communities, and consider recommendations for enacting best practices.

Introduction to Survey Design
Friday, January 31st, 12-2pm (Hybrid)
Instructor: Max Allamong
Gross Hall 230C or ZOOM

This workshop will explore the fundamentals of survey design. The emphasis will be on providing practical survey design tips to those looking to develop their own surveys, or to evaluate proposals for surveys to be conducted by vendors. Topics explored in the workshop include determining if a survey is the appropriate design, considering the trade-offs to data quality that arise in the survey design process, identifying sources of error when sampling and surveying respondents, and more. Lunch provided.

Evaluation for Improvement and Impact
Friday, February 21st, 9:30am-12pm
Instructors: Jessica Sperling and Erin Haseley

This session offers an overview of program evaluation and evaluation research, or the systematic investigation of the merit, worth, or significance of an entity/initiative. Topics covered will include: when and why to engage in evaluation; types of evaluations; key aspects of an evaluation, including logic model development, data sources and data collection, analysis and reporting, and guiding resultant programmatic change; and tips for feasibly and effectively implementing evaluation in an entity or initiative. This is for faculty, graduate students, undergraduates, or others who are interested in evaluation and related partnered/applied research; individuals working in initiatives or entities that are looking utilize evaluation to inform decision-making.
*Co-Sponsored by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute & the Duke Office of Evaluation and Applied Research Partnership

Advanced Survey Design in Qualtrics
Friday, February 28th, 12-2pm (Hybrid)
Instructor: Max Allamong
Gross Hall 230C or ZOOM

This workshop explores features in the Qualtrics survey software to take your surveys to the next level. Topics covered in the workshop include using the Qualtrics survey flow, randomizing survey questions and response options, working with embedded data fields, utilizing the Qualtrics distribution feature, and making your data analysis-ready. A foundational understanding of the Qualtrics survey software is recommended for participation in this workshop.
*The workshop is taught through the Duke Initiative on Survey Methodology (DISM). Lunch provided.

Introduction to Mixed Methods Research
Thursday, March 6th, 9am -11am
Instructors: Marissa Personette and Doreet Preiss

This workshop will introduce strategies for designing a mixed methods research study: participants will be introduced to when they are appropriate, what unique strengths they offer, and what challenges they can introduce as well as different techniques of combining qualitative and quantitative data. This workshop will also consider how to report findings, including integrating findings from multiple data sources, how a researcher assesses what their materials teach them, and how they can compile and present those findings to make their case, as well as how to respond to criticisms.  This workshop will introduce strategies for designing a mixed methods research study: participants will be introduced to when they are appropriate, what unique strengths they offer, and different techniques of combining qualitative and quantitative data. This workshop will also consider how to report findings, including integrating findings from multiple data sources, how a researcher assesses what their materials teach them, and how they can compile and present those findings to make their case. Challenges of mixed methods studies and how to respond to criticisms will also be addressed.

Qualitative Data Analysis and NVivo
Friday March 21st, 9am-11am
Instructor: Erin Haseley

This workshop will introduce techniques to analyze qualitative data, with a focus on analyzing text. Participants will gain an introduction to analytic memoing, rapid analysis, and in-depth coding—with an emphasis on developing and applying coding schema, how coding can be done in ways that are consistent and replicable, and how to use NVivo software when analyzing qualitative data.

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