Duke Graduate Academy Short Courses in Summer 2023
These free short course is open to all Duke graduate and professional students as well as postdocs, offered during Summer Sessions I and II. Enrollment and all course changes must be completed by the Drop/Add deadline for the relevant Summer Session (May 19 for Term I; July 6 for Term II). Take a look at all course descriptions.
Community-Engaged Research
Engaging and partnering with community members and entities in research, sometimes in the form of research practice partnership, can be a powerful mechanism for ensuring research is appropriately situated within the context and utilized for social change. These concepts and processes are highly complex and often quite challenging, both in theory and in practice. This course will interrogate the meaning of “community-engaged research” and related terms, explore their relevance for both researchers and communities, address the ethical considerations and logistical problems that often arise, and consider recommendations for enacting best practices. Throughout this course, we will apply our knowledge through active learning by developing a community-engaged research design.
Instructor: Jessica Sperling, Social Science Research Institute
Summer Session II GS990 Section 02; offered July 10 – 18 (one-week course), MTTH 12:30 – 2:35 p.m. EDT