SSRI Grant Program Announces Awards
The Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) invited grant applications from Duke University faculty to study social science research topics of their choice. The size of the grants range from $5,000 to $25,000.

DUPRI research team uses electronic health records to study population of Durham County children
New research demonstrating the efficacy of using electronic health records (EHRs) to assess children’s population health.

MTV partners with MIDS to study access to voting on college campuses
MTV partnered with a team of students working on their MIDS capstone project to study access to voting on college campuses.

Celebrating 20+ Years
Faculty, researchers, staff, and students at the Social Science Research Institute discuss the many ways that the institute have brought together researchers from across the university for effective research.

Hiring new DISM Post Doc
This position will work as a team member in conjunction with the Social Science Research Institute at Duke University and invites applications for a Postdoctoral Associate in survey research methods.

SSRI Workshops
Social scientists looking for workshops focused on Integrating AI in Survey Research, Community-Engaged and Community-Partnered Research, Introduction to Mixed Methods Research, and related research areas are encouraged to register for one of our upcoming workshops.

New SSRI Interim Director
We are thrilled to welcome Sunshine Hillygus (Professor of Political Science, Director of the Duke Initiative on Survey Methodology, Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy) as the Interim Director of SSRI.

Helping Projects Grow
For over 20 years, SSRI has brought together researchers with interests in problems that cross the various social and behavioral sciences, including problems that connect with the humanities and natural sciences.